WhatsApp, the biggest instant messenger service in the world, has been testing a new private reply feature for the groups. Right now, there is no way to message one member in a group chat privately. The only thing you can do is to privately message that person by opening another chat. But, once the private reply feature is rolled out, users will be able to send private messages to a group member without anyone else in the group knowing about it.
The feature was first discovered by WABetainfo a website dedicated to finding new features in WhatsApp beta releases. They found a private reply feature activated on WhatsApp’s beta version for Windows Mobile.
Currently, WhatsApp has not given any word on when it will be released to the public, and as it is, there are still some bugs that need to be fixed.
“The private reply feature has some problems in Windows Phone: you can notice this option also in chats, but it should appear in groups only. This is absolutely normal seen that WhatsApp is still developing the option.”
Considering how quickly WhatsApp has taken features from beta to stable builds in the past, it should not take more than a few weeks. I don’t know about you guys, but I am pretty excited about this feature and can’t wait to test it out on my device.